Shareholder ownership simplified!On an all-in-one collaborative platform!

+100.000 companies trust us
Who is Axiocap for?

A la carte functionalities
Securities Management and Securities Movement Register
Easily dematerialize the management of your movements!

Single personnel register
Opt for a single dematerialized personnel register: simplified management and optimized preservation!
Register of deliberations and decisions
Easily dematerialize the management of your register following your meetings, advice and other meetings!
Axiocap, compliance and security
Sustainability and conservation
Your data is stored and protected on 100% French servers. There is no risk of the company disappearing over time.
Axiocap produces legal evidence that can be enforced in court.

To get started, simply click on the button clearly identified as “Start Now” on the various pages of the site or in the menu.
Next, you will be directed to a form where you need to enter important information about your company as well as personal details.
This data will allow AXIOCAP to personalize your experience and provide you with a service adapted to your needs.
Once this step is completed, you will be able to add the number of licenses required according to the products chosen (1 license/company). AXIOCAP offers flexible solutions, allowing you to select the number of licenses for various products such as legal registers, online meetings and securities transactions.
Once you have chosen the number of licenses you want for each product, simply proceed with the online payment to immediately access the platform.
Congratulations! You can now use Axiocap independently. Manage your securities, registers, meetings in a few clicks!
To support you, we have set up an online chat, as well as explanatory guides and videos. Take advantage of these resources to get the most out of your experience!
Why Axiocap?
We guarantee the total sovereignty of your data for today, and for tomorrow.
Your documents are secured in a digital safe accessible in one click with adjustable access rights.
To simplify the management of your flows and your activity, Axiocap is easily integrated with all your business tools.
Our solution is

They recommend us!
Frequently asked questions
Mistral AI, une technologie française intégrée à Axiocap, automatise l’importation, l’analyse et le classement de vos procès-verbaux. En quelques clics, l’IA identifie le type de document et la date de délibération, puis les classe directement dans le registre approprié, garantissant rapidité, précision, sécurité et conformité RGPD.
Axiocap offers a solution that no longer requires the quotation and the initials. In addition, to strengthen legal security, Infogreffed integrates its rating and initials into this service.
Dematerialization undeniably saves time and money with easy and automated management, data security, and optimal storage (example: use of a very secure digital safe) .Moreover, it is a collaborative tool that also allows businesses to be simplified. Dematerialization is also part of an ecological dimension. Indeed, the use of dematerialization contributes to reducing the use of paper, the travel induced by legal procedures as well as the space required for their storage.
A reliable copy, in accordance with Article 1379 of the Civil Code, has the same evidentiary value as an original, if it complies with timestamp conditions in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.These copies must be kept “in conditions such as to avoid any alteration of their form or content” (Dec. No. 2016-1673 of December 5, 2016, Art. 4), condition respected thanks to the use of a qualified timestamp. Axiocap therefore offers a timestamp process in accordance with eIDAS, through its digital safe (CCFN), and the use of advanced electronic signatures.
Yes, Axiocap also offers a tailor-made service that allows you to dematerialize all your existing records with a true copy of the original papers.
Axiocap applies the key principles of the GDPR. Thus, the reversibility of the data can be carried out following a request made by the customer and sent to the Support team. All the data of the companies concerned are then returned in a usable format and sent to the customer.
Yes, the solution allows a complete configuration of the accesses granted: access restricted to certain portfolio companies, to files in the safe, to registers, access times, etc. The aim is to create a real data room for the user.
Only the account holder has access to information on Axiocap. The owner has administrator access: he can invite the people of his choice and configure the accesses.